With winter upon us, the ‘winter feeding’ programme is in full swing. This entails delivering large bales of teff, lucerne, rhino pellets and molasses meal to the ‘intensive protection zone’, where KMSA’s ‘magnificent seven’ and other older rhinos roam freely.
Unfortunately there is no longer grass or natural food left in the veld, this after a strong hail storm damaged the remaining grasses just two weeks before. Supplementary feeding is essential at this time of year, not just for the rhinos but also for other wildlife on the farm.
We frequently find the wildebeest sharing a teff bale with some of the rhinos or trying to stealthily sneak past some of the other less forgiving rhinos, in an effort to ‘steal’ some lucerne! The group of rhinos that are in the ‘re-introduction-to-the-wild’ phase are currently eating between 350-500kgs of teff per night! In addition, they are eating six lucerne bales, approximately 108kgs and also 20kgs of pellets.
This supplemental feeding plan is essential to keep their body condition healthy and help them keep warm through the bitterly cold winter nights. Please see attached photo of some of KMSA’s ‘magnificent seven’ enjoying some good quality teff out in the ‘intensive protection zone’
Also see ‘Tank’ climbing on one of the teff bales!